Velostrata REST API

The Velsotrata API allows for automation and integration with third-party applications, specifically with common orchestration tools, e.g. VMware vRA, Ansible. The API is served by a REST Web service, protected with basic HTTP authentication. REST URL structure - https://<host>/velostrata/api/v35/.... API input and output objects are serialized in JSON format.

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Version: 3.5


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Cloud Extensions Operations




post /cloudextensions/{cloudExtensionId}/operations/cloneVm

Clone VM To Cloud


post /cloudextensions

Create Cloud Extension


delete /cloudextensions/{cloudExtensionId}

Delete Cloud Extension


get /cloudextensions/{cloudExtensionId}

Describe Cloud Extension


get /cloudextensions/{cloudExtensionId}/securitygroups

Describe Security Groups


get /cloudextensions/{cloudExtensionId}/allowedtasks

Lists allowed tasks


get /cloudextensions/{cloudExtensionId}/subnets

Describe Subnets


post /cloudextensions/{cloudExtensionId}/operations/offlineMigrateVmToCloud

Offline Migration.


post /cloudextensions/{cloudExtensionId}/operations/fullMigrateVm

Fully Migrate VM To Cloud


get /cloudextensions/{cloudExtensionId}/cloud/azure/availabilitysets

List Azure Availability Sets


get /cloudextensions/{cloudExtensionId}/cloud/aws/encryptionkey

Get AWS Encryption Key


get /cloudextensions/{cloudExtensionId}/cloud/aws/instancetypes

Get AWS Instance Types


get /cloudextensions/{cloudExtensionId}/cloud/azure/vmsizes

Get Azure Instance Types


get /cloudextensions

List Cloud Extensions


get /cloudextensions/{cloudExtensionId}/cloud/azure/resourcegroups

List Resource Groups


get /cloudextensions/{cloudExtensionId}/cloud/azure/storageaccounts

List Storage Accounts


post /cloudextensions/{cloudExtensionId}/operations/moveVm

Move VM To Cloud


post /cloudextensions/{cloudExtensionId}/operations/reconfigure

Reconfigure Cloud Extension


post /cloudextensions/{cloudExtensionId}/operations/repair

Repair Cloud Extension


post /cloudextensions/{cloudExtensionId}/operations/start

Start Cloud Extension


post /cloudextensions/{cloudExtensionId}/operations/stop

Stop Cloud Extension

  post /cloudextensions/{cloudExtensionId}/operations/upgrade

Upgrade Cloud Extension


Cloud Operations




get /cloud/aws/encryptionkeys

List AWS Encryption Keys


get /cloud/aws/roles

List AWS IAM Roles


get /cloud/aws/regions{regiodId}instances

List AWS Instances


get /cloud/aws/regions

List AWS Regions


get /cloud/aws/securitygroups

List AWS Security Groups


get /cloud/aws/storagetypes

List AWS Storage Types


get /cloud/aws/subnets

List AWS Subnets


get /cloud/aws/vpcs



get /cloud/azure/locations

List Azure Locations


get /cloud/azure/resourcegroups

List Azure Resource Groups


get /cloud/azure/securitygroups

List Azure Security Groups


get /cloud/azure/subnets

List Azure Subnets

  get /cloud/azure/suggestedname

Suggest valid name for the VM

  get /cloud/gcp/regions

List GCP Regions

  get /cloud/gcp/subnets

List GCP Subnetworks

  get /cloud/gcp/networks

List GCP Networks

  get /cloud/gcp/suggestedname

Suggest valid name for the VM

  get /cloudextensions/{cloudExtensionId}/cloud/gcp/machinetypes

List GCP Machine Types

  get /cloud/gcp/zones

List GCP Zones

  get /cloud/gcp/serviceaccounts

List GCP Service Accounts

  get /cloud/gcp/projects

List GCP Projects

  get /cloud/gcp/suggestedname

Suggest a valid name for the VM

  get /cloud/gcp/projects

List GCP Projects

  get /cloud/gcp/suggestedname

Suggest a valid name for the VM


Cloud Credentials Operations




delete /cloud/credentials/{credName}

Delete Credentials


get /cloud/credentials/{credName}

Describe Credentials


get /cloud/credentials

List Credentials


put /cloud/credentials/{credName}

Save Credentials


Cloud Details Operations




delete /cloud/details/{detailsName}

Delete Cloud Details


get /cloud/details/{detailsName}

Describe Cloud Details


get /cloud/details

List Cloud Details


post /cloud/details

Save Cloud Details


Management Operations




post /mgmt/downloadupgradepackage

Download Management Upgrade Package


post /mgmt/upgrade

Upgrade Management


Tasks Operations




delete /tasks/{taskId}

Cancel Task


get /tasks/{taskId}

Describe Task


get /tasks

List Active Tasks


post /tasks

List Tasks


Virtual Machine Operations




post /vms/{vmId}/operations/canceldetach

Cancel Detach


post /vms/{vmId}/operations/cleanup

Cleanup VM


post /vms/{vmId}/operations/deleteclone

Delete Clone


get /vms/{vmId}

Describe Managed VM


post /vms/{vmId}/operations/detach



post /vms

Find Managed VMs


get /vms/{vmId}/allowedTasks

List Allowed Tasks


get /vms/{vmId}/console

Get Cloud Console Text


get /vms/{vmId}/screen

Get Cloud Screen Image


get /vms/{vmId}/instancetypes

Get Available Instance Types For VM


get /vms

List Managed VMs


post /vms/{vmId}/operations/migrate



post /vms/{vmId}/operations/preparetodetach

Prepare To Detach


post /vms/{vmId}/operations/probe



post /vms/{vmId}/operations/reboot



post /vms/{vmId}/operations/reconfigure



post /vms/{vmId}/operations/return

Return From Cloud


post /vms/{vmId}/operations/start



post /vms/{vmId}/operations/stop






  get /recommendations/operations/listMonitoring

Get monitored VM list

  get /recommendations

Get VM sizing recommendations

  get /recommendations/azure

Get Azure VM sizing recommendations


post /recommendations/operations/startMonitoring

Start monitor usage for VMs

  post /recommendations/operations/stopMonitoring

Stop monitor usage for VMs





  get /about

About the product


Runbook REST API

The Velodtrata Runbook API allows for automation and integration with third-party applications


Runbook Operations




post /runbooks

Create a new Runbook


Job Operations




get /runs

List all Jobs


post /runs/{name}

Start a new Job


get /runs/{name}

Describe a Job


delete /runs/{name}

Abort a Job


post /runs/{name}/rerun

Rerun a Job






post /recommendations/start

Start VMs performance monitoring


post /recommendations/stop

Stop VMs performance monitoring


post /recommendations/get

Get Right-Sizing recommendations